If i talk about the life, Life will give you good as well as bad too, Because its a simple fundamental of life. Its a kind of a cycle but what if you don't demand from your own it means you don't believe on your own and you don't have trust that you can do anything. If i talk about me then i have a lot of demands and dream from myself own. If i do something in my life it means i am doing because i want that, I don't do because people want me to do that.
Some people give the remote of their life into the hands of others such as sometime they are literally dependent on the parents what so ever they decide for you, You are okay with that sometime your parents can also be wrong. And i assume that no one can choose the best for you apart from you. Only you know what is good for you. And if you have find something best for you. Take stand go work hard and get it.
Because Dreams becomes with emotions! Behind each and every dream their is some emotions and hopes. So never give up on your dreams stick with that. Because for me dreams are the reason i am alive. Dreams are the reason why i want to wake up every morning.
So Do not give remote of your life into other's hand. Remote your life yourself own and see the magic of having trust on you.