A huge number of the people in our youth are tensed, they have a tension in their mind about the future, what they would do in the future and earning is a difficult task to be considered in India but what if they observe themselves only. They have actually a lot of qualities which is confined in them which can become their earning skill but the problem is they don't know about it. Just give a little time to yourself so that you can listen your inner voice which remains saying you -" It's Ok! Game is not over! Still you can do a lot. , I've churning capabilities even now. " Believe in yourself. And what is the way to believe in yourself? That is little Strange little Crazy. Because if you want to know yourself , Give yourself a little time to spare with you, you can go for a solo trip so that you can communicate with your abilities with your inner voice. Actually i feel in this huge world people are busy in other's life. They always need a reason for each and everything. If a trip you have to enjoy you will look for a reason. "If my friend is going then i will go." "Because my girl friend will not go what i would do going alone." This is what happens with 99% of the people. Why you always need reason for doing things? Be reasonless for some time . The problem is we get indulge ourselves in life of someone in that way that we forget ourselves and underestimate ourselves own. And this is from where we starts ignoring ourselves. You are not alone, you have a lot of different characters which is hidden in yourself. All you have to do is recognising that positive character of your own. You know the thing which can teach you a lot is the journey with yourself. We always look for someone to guide but you know, The biggest teacher is you and your life Because what life teaches you, you can not forget.
Personally i have enjoyed loneliness too much and i know what we learn by being alone. I have gained confidence. And i know myself more now. When i started recognizing me i have found each and every person is like book in his own. Whose pages were never given a look and a book have a lot to teach you. Most of us are the people who doesn't know ourselves completely. If you will start knowing yourself and start learning your own company, you won't feel alone and never look for a reason for doing things you will start loving yourself.
So do not understimate yourself you have a lot of talent inside what the thing you have to do is recognize yourself. So start finding yourself from now on wards. Me lavi chaudhary signing off for today. Have a good day!😊