Being an atheist and living your life without hoping anything from god is too difficult because you have no one to complaint while you were not on fault, when life shows you the negative shades of itself you can not wish to have a peaceful life from anyone because when people suffer from the bad days of their life, they remind god and claims for better living but an atheist have no one to wish from. And when we face our bad day people always blame us for being in difficulties and says now see the havoc of god. They say you are the reason why it is happening with you because you don’t believe in god, you don’t pray. But they never know most of we atheist are so confident in ourselves why we are like this and are very kind, genuine and truthful even though how rude we look, and how rude we behave but soft and pure hearted we are. We don’t believe in killing our sins by cramming the god’s name.We believe in not to do sins & doing good for the people for no reason. We do charity not hoping that it’ll return as a mercy of god or we will get this in the same way as we are doing. We do it for happiness of us when so ever we help anyone honestly we don’t expect anything. Seriously we don’t! Happiness is being a reason of people’s smile for us. We spread happiness even though we know life has always been worst for us and the next morning will be survived in the new pain of life even after that we never tries to show our pain. We hide our pain behind the smile and kept on walking off the track of our life and we distribute love.
We keep on working hard doing good for people in spite of knowing all the things people see us as we are criminal and those who believes in god I’ve been observing since a very long time people believes how much sins they are committing they’ll wash out by uttering the name of god and by praying so I don’t believe that. We believe in Karma – “What goes around, that comes around”.
What you will do today you are going to face soon and prayer cannot stop the thing gonna happen with you. In this Era I have seen so many peoples have problems and something wrong with their mind – I’ve seen people get happy in making someone cry. They get happy when someone get hurt. On the same concept the Dark Web, Mariana Web is going on? When I see that kind of people I’m like – what’s wrong with them. With this nature you are goanna expect something good and they pray to the god and feels like we are gentleman and we are enough good in ourselves. But I swear I says to that people you are not able to called human man! You are not a human…
A human becomes with humanity; humanity is the identity of humans but in today’s Era humanity is not a common anymore. The one who has not mercy for animals, for weak and for needy is not a human come out from illusion.
Be human more than being a god lover or god pleaser.
Ok feed this good thing in the mind babye for today i will be keep on meeting you like this. Me Lavi Chaudhry signing off for today. Hope you have a good week.