
Humanity  is  very  common  word but it is  not common anymore in  a  practical life mostly  in India.  People  are  not caring  about  others.  Their  family should  be  happy, they don’t  care what’s going  on  in  their  neighborhood. Frequently  I’ve  seen if any mishap  occurs,  if  any  accident takes place then  people does  not call  to  ambulance,  they click  photos  and  uploads on  social media.  Actually  how much time  they  waste in  uploading on social  media they can  call to  an  ambulance and  save the  lives but  they  are being  nurtured  in that environment  in  which  everyone is selfish  so he’ll  think  why  I  would  call  to  ambulance  when all  other peoples are  here.  They  can call  too.  Moreover I’ve  seen  people  driving carelessly while animal  cross the road.  They  never slow  their  vehicle seeing  an  animal crossing  the road.  And  if someone  tramples  them, nobody  tries  and  dares to  keep  them  aside  of road they runs  over the animal even if  he is  alive.  It is the shameful situation  of  this changing  Era  in India.   I feel  so bad when I  go  through all  this  things.  Sometimes  I  even think  to change  the  people  but  then  a thought  comes in  my mind that  I’m a layman  and  I’ve  already tried a  lot  on  social media to wake  the  people  up  but  they  actually ignore because they  don’t  wants to  change  their  selves.  They want  to  remain same.  I  still  remember when  my  Dog  Julie was  crying  on  the death  of his  puppies then my neighbors were  laughing  on  her.  She  kept  on  crying whole  night  intermittently.  I  and  my  family  were  shaking from  inside when we were watching her  crying  because  I and  my  father  buried  her little puppy  named  “Mishi”.  It was  too  difficult to  see  people make laugh  on  her, watching her  we  fallen  apart.  So  some  people are  worse than animals.  They’ll  not feel  the  need  of change  until they face  on  themselves.   I  assume one  thing  when  a  layman  will  point out on  a little thing,  no  one  will  pay heed  on him while  a  big man or a  public figure will  carry a  little issues and  will discuss little things then people  will  observe  and  will  feel the need of change.  As  Prime  Minister  Narendra  Modi said  on  Independence  day (  The red  letter  day of  Indian history),  they said about  toilets and cleanliness  in villages.  ‘Toilet’  is  the  very  little  issue as compare to  the other issues in India  but  people  appreciated  this little thing is seriously need  to  be improved, because it was said  by not  a  layman  it  was said by a Public Figure. 
So  this  kind of  issues to bring changes should  be raised  by  Public  Figures  then people  will  give it a thought. We  need to fill humanity  in  the soul of  people.  Otherwise it’ll  not  take too long  to give  0  marks for  the  humanity  in India.    Well  keep  humanity  up.  Be  a  good  human;  be polite, gentle  and kind  too.  Kindness is  an  identity  of human. If you  are not kind,  you are  not  worth  of  being  called a human.   I  hope you’ll  be  helpful for others too because your  help  to someone,  returns on you  as a  mercy  of  GOD in unexpected ways…  so be  helpful…  and  try  when someone say  thanks  for your  help  you  just say  him ”Don’t  say  thanks,  do  me  a  favor,  help   others  as  I’ve helped  you”…..#ChangeAayegaHumLayenge…… Okk  that’s  it  for today’s article… Me Lavi  Chaudhry signing off  for today….. Hope you  have a great  day.. 

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